Zero Waste Market - News coming soon
As you know, we are committed and proud of our zero waste credentials, and we are determined to build on that commitment continuously. We have been struck by the efforts of other London Boroughs around zero waste and thought it was about time we put Barnet on the map.
We now have a permanent once a month Zero Waste Market which runs on the third Sunday of every month from
12 - 4 pm located at 45 Leicester Rd, Barnet, EN5 5EW. The market utilises all the forecourts across the shops in our parade.
Do you want to join us and have a stall?
If you are a vendor that would like to have a stall, please do get in touch with me here
#recycle #reuse #recycledmaterials #artsandcrafts #wonkyveg #squashedfruitchutneys #artisanbreadandcakes #flowers #beddingplants #thelistisendless #comeandjoinus
The markets will be held on the following dates: Awaiting confirmation of new dates
12 noon until 4 pm
45a Leicester Road
If you have not managed to join us for one of our markets, here is a little taster of our July market.
Here is a little taster of our June market.